In the Beginning...

Navigating the early stage of Mac farming.

In the Beginning ...

Rather odd to be publishing this headline when we've been doing this for a full year already. Yes! Can you believe it!? It was one year ago that SugarBytes became TropicalBytes. A really big step for this little mankind. :)And today, I am taking another HUGE step ... right now, I am typing this into a (grown up) bulk email template. I have avoided doing this for way too long, for fear that I mess something up. But, thanks to a highly valued mentor (you know who you are but you didn't know you were a mentor - SURPRISE!) I am finally making another leap forward in this fledgling initiative. I also just can't keep up with the growing subscriber base anymore... there's only so much you can do manually and then the numbers force you to professionalise.

So - another HUGE thanks to all my very precious readers - I commit to continuing to bring you content that adds value to your enterprise.Anyway - enough chit chat - let's get into the latest article ...There is a lot that happens before you even plant your new mac tree; a lot that can either make or break your anticipated returns on investment. The aim, in this article, is to identify what you need to look out for when navigating this early stage of mac farming. Read more.


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